We're Exposing the Secret System Used by Underground Marketers to Generate Millions of Dollars Each Day from SUPER SIMPLE Ads and Easy Little Websites with NO Products!
Hurry Because This Offer Will Be Ending Soon...
This system has only been taught in a few big ticket courses costing $1000 to $3000... until NOW!
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Today you can grab the ArbiCash System for a very small price.
Only $97 $17
Grab your copy of the ArbiCash System Today.
How Would You Like to PROFIT from Those Silly Little Advertisements That You See All Over the Internet? Now You CAN!

Imagine if you could get PAID when people click on all those advertisements. An elite group of underground marketers don't want you to know this, but you CAN be making money from those ads by using the ArbiCash System!

From: Jeff Hunt (along with Eric Holmlund and Paul Counts)
Re: A simple, fun and scalable business model.
Dear friend,
I'm guessing you've seen some of those ads around the internet.
Yes THOSE ads.
The silly ones with the little pictures, or the crazy headlines made to "look" like news articles.
If you're a marketer like me, you might have noticed the fine print that says these are "sponsored" links. But studies have shown that most people don't even notice that.
The other thing that you may have noticed is that these ads are ALL over the web. I mean like, almost EVERYWHERE.
So WHAT ARE those ads? And WHY are they everywhere!? I'm going to answer those questions RIGHT now.
Those ads are called Native Advertising. They're called that because they're made to blend in with the natural content of the website they're on.
They're everywhere because they work. And by WORK, I mean people click them like crazy, and millions upon millions of dollars are being generated from these ads every day.
Not long ago, a client of mine hired me to evaluate an arbitrage business that he was considering buying for $300,000.00
Instead of buying it, we simply replicated the business model for almost nothing and grew it from $10,000 of net profit in the first month to $28,000 of profit in the 4th month.
Here are some of my earnings...

That's how the "ArbiCash System" was born. It was all done using Native advertising.
As I was discussing this system with my friends Eric and Paul, we realized that Native ads cover such a big market with virtually limitless opportunity, that there is plenty of room for YOU to jump in and do it too. And that's why we're sharing this with you today.
In the past, this was only taught in a few big ticket courses that cost $1000, $2000, or more, but we've decided to make this incredible system available to everyone today for a shockingly low price.
So let's get into it...
Native ads are one of the biggest growth areas for traffic acquisition on the Internet today. Most of the big name publishers are using Native ads for monetization. And I'm talking about literally thousands of big name publishers like Yahoo and CNN...

The amazing thing about Native ads is that you can have your own ad listed and recommended on a big site like CNN in a matter of days!
If you've clicked on some Native ads in the past, you may have noticed something strange...
Most of those silly little ads take you to pages full of MORE ADS and very little content!

This begs an important question...
WHY are marketers going through the effort to siphon traffic from all these major sites, only to send that traffic to a site full of MORE ads!?
The answer is ArbiCash.
To be more specific, it's called digital arbitrage. Arbitrage is a time tested business principle used in many diverse industries for taking advantage of differences in prices.

In this case, it's about taking advantage in the difference in prices of ads. Native advertising arbitragers are acquiring insanely cheap traffic, and monetizing that traffic with ads that pay out more than what they're spending to get that traffic.
How much money are they making? The cool thing about this business model is that it's fully scalable, because the traffic is almost limitless...
Check out some of the places that are using Native ads. Imagine having your own advertisements being published and recommended on websites like these...

Sites like these (and thousands more) are involved with Native ads, making this an incredible resource that you can tap into to generate traffic on demand for CRAZY low prices compared to the paid traffic you may have seen in the past.
Once you've discovered the secrets of the ArbiCash System, you'll have a virtually endless supply of traffic at your fingertips.
You can start small and then scale it up...
The big players are making tens of thousands of dollars a day.
I'm not saying you're going to start by making that much in your first month, but one of the great things about this opportunity is you can start small and scale it up.
Another great thing about this business model is that the websites are easy to create. You've seen just how simple those sites are (just a little content with some ads around it). You can do this with...
- No products.
- No shopping carts.
- No SEO.
- No membership software.
- It's just simple content and ads.
Native ads are also simpler than AdWords or Facebook ads which you may have tried in the past. The main reason is because the targeting is much less complex and you don't have to do a bunch of keyword research.
So how can you jump into the ArbiCash game and start cashing in on this incredible opportunity for yourself?
Option 1 would be to just "guess" how to do it, and attempt it by trial and error without anyone teaching you a system that works. We would NOT recommend that option, because you could end up wasting a whole lot of time and money.

Option 2 would be to buy one of the existing training programs out there, which cost between $1000 and $3000. This is really an insider method, and you won't find this information out there for free, but we have seen a couple of people teaching it if you're willing to pay thousands to learn the system.

I'm actually quite "upset" they revealed this little secret to the public...
Patric Chan
It's native ads. They've exposed "my" traffic source. :)
You see, I've actually been using it and it's very powerful because my ads appear in Yahoo, MSN, etc.
Don't have your own products?
That's perfectly okay because with the "authority traffic" you are getting, you don't even need to have your own products to start making a killing online...
It's called, "digital arbitrage".
Now that the secret's exposed, be the first one to use it to start making money online ASAP - regardless of whether you have your own products or not.
Best-Selling Author (http://www.patricchan.com)
We are happy to introduce...
The ArbiCash System!

The primary component that you're getting today is The ArbiCash System ebook written by me. This ebook is brand new, never released before. It's in PDF format, so you can read it on any computer or device. You can even print it out if you prefer.
Most importantly, it contains 62 pages packed full of step by step content showing you exactly how to use the ArbiCash System for yourself and start cashing in with Native advertising arbitrage.
Some of the things you'll discover include...
- The basics of native advertising.
- How to set up a simple website that anyone can create.
- How to drive massive page views from a single visitor.
- The best ad placement for maximum earnings.
- Which themes and plugins are needed for an ArbiCash site and where to find them.
- Where to find winning content ideas based on real performance data.
- The most effective sources for article and gallery topics.
- How to create the best article titles.
- How to create galleries like you see on so many sites, and where to get the content for them.
- A sample gallery article that you can actually import into your site and use as a template.
- How to cash in with affiliate articles.
- How to get maximum click through on your ads.
- The settings you need to know to create a profitable campaign.
- The best devices and geographic areas to target.
- How to get your ad campaigns accepted by the reviewers.
- How to get traffic accounts approved.
- How to track your campaign traffic.
- How to create 10 different ad variations in 10 minutes.
- How to see exactly where your ads are being shown.
- 3 ways to scale up your arbitrage business.
- The biggest risks and how to avoid them.
- 8 ways to optimize profitability.
- How to track your profits and campaign performance.
As you can see, this is a very comprehensive course teaching the exact system that I used to scale this business to $28,000 a month of profit in just 4 months.
Native Advertising Works. Native Advertising Arbitrage also works.
I have spent thousands of dollars learning how to effectively use native ads to drive huge amounts of traffic for cents. I have spent even more testing with Native Advertising so that I can get the best results.
What Jeff has done here is to shortcut that process so that you can literally get started today and within a few days start making money.
IMHO, Native Ads Arbitrage is the best opportunity online today to start making money independent of how long you have been marketing online. It also has the greatest scalability opportunities meaning that you can send literally millions of visitors to any site a day.
If you want to kickstart your income without spending all of the money that I needed to, then ArbiCash is definitely both the cheapest and fastest way to do it. That is why I have told all of my clients about it.
Ben Shaffer The Native Ads Guy - http://nativeadsblueprint.com
A well known website spends $8.2 Million to generate over $26.2 Million using Native Ads...
According to a recent article on adbeat.com, the well-known website Answers.com is a major user of Native ads.
Reportedly they spent $8.2M on Native ads during a 180 day period, and generated over $26.2M of ad revenue during that same time.
In other words, Answers.com is a major digital arbitrage player (as are many other big content sites) and they generated $18 Million of profit in 180 days using Native ads.
What kind of Native ads were they using?
Simple ones that any of us could create by following my instructions. And in case you were thinking Native ads have to be "sleazy" to work, that's really not the truth.
They can absolutely be clean and family friendly. Check out some of the top ads from Answers.com during their campaign...

By doing some simple math, we can see that they were making about $100k of profit every day!
But you DON'T have to be a media empire to rake in a lot of money with this system.
You could have a relatively small website and still earn a very solid income.
In fact, I did a little "test" with only 4 articles as a demonstration for this product and you can read about the results below 🙂
As a quick demonstration I created 4 articles on topics I know almost nothing about, and turned them into over $900 of profit this month using the ArbiCash System!
As a demo for this product, I wanted to show how simple it is to generate revenue with a small amount of simple content.
So a couple weeks ago I created 4 articles on topics I know very little about: cars, trucks, Shaquille O'neal, and make-up.
I used the ArbiCash System to get traffic and monetize those articles with Native ads. As you will see in my short video below, 3 of the 4 articles were profitable. So what I would do next is follow the ArbiCash System to SCALE up the traffic for the 3 winners.

By scaling up the winners, I can turn on the fire hose and really crank up the profits! Still, $900 of profit isn't bad for a little test, right?
It proves how you can do this with a small amount of content. Now YOU can do this too by following my step-by-step instructions in the ArbiCash System!
You can also use this system to drive massive traffic to your existing website! Imagine having your website promoted on the top sites in the world like CNN and Time Magazine, just days from now...
The arbitrage opportunity is awesome on its own, but this system can ALSO be used to ramp up your existing business.
In other words, you can use Native ads to send incredibly cheap traffic to your products, blogs, AdSense sites, and more.
On the flipside, you can also use Native ads to MONETIZE any existing website that you own. I've found that by adding Native ads to blogs and various content-based websites, I can often increase the revenue significantly without making ANY other changes!
That's why I'm including a special video training showing you how to apply the ArbiCash methods to any non-arbitrage site!

In this special video training I will show you...
- How Native ads can create an additional 30-100% profit for a regular adsense site or blog.
- How to signup for a Native Ad account.
- How to create the Native Ad widget.
- How to install the widget code on the website.
In other words this is step by step training on how to use Native ads to monetize any website that you own.
Again, this is basically a bonus module on top of the ArbiCash System! But for anyone who wants to boost their monetization, this module alone is well worth your investment in this course today.
By the way, this is NOT something we outsourced. This is a high quality product that we created from our own experience.
We Spent Over 250 Hours Putting This Together!
Literally we put in over 250 hours of our time creating this product, and we are saving you that time now!
If it took us that long just to create this course, imagine how long it would take you to figure out all of these methods on your own, using trial and error. Honestly, it would probably take YEARS.
Time is your biggest asset! Instead of having to figure out how to put together all of the puzzle pieces on your own, you can simply follow the step-by-step blueprint that we've laid out in this course.
These are methods that we've actually used...
Everything that we teach is legal and ethical.
In a nutshell, The ArbiCash System is about leveraging the Internet along with specific strategies to generate an income through digital advertising arbitrage.
Compatible with all computers and devices...
This course in PDF format can be viewed on any computer, Windows PC, Apple Mac, or mobile device such as a tablet or Ipad.
The Ebook Includes...
- PDF Ebook
- Step by step directions
- Real life examples
- Screen shots and graphics
- Links to recommended tools

High quality. Easy to follow. Well laid out. Anyone can use it to start their own arbitrage business!
Henry Gold
This model definitely works! I have been marketing online for 5 years and it's simply one of the easiest models I have ever done. Been implementing this concept and model for the past 2 years as my "side income" and generated tons of money with much less work than expected!
Lester Lim
We're not done packing in the value yet, because we've got some awesome FAST ACTION BONUSES to throw in as a part of this special offer...
The bonuses alone are valued at $388, and you'll receive all of them with the ArbiCash system today.
As we've mentioned, similar courses sell in the range of $1000 to $3000.
You won't find this system being taught for free anywhere. It's just too profitable. Therefore, we could be charging $1000 or more for this package today, but we've decided to make it incredibly affordable for a very limited time.
The price will be going up with each sale, and on July 25th we will be ENDING this introductory launch promotion. At that time we will either close the doors to the public, or raise the price at least 450%.
So don't wait! Grab it now because this is your chance.
You will have instant access to download the files.
Click the order button to grab it now:
Hurry Before This Offer EXPIRES...
Only $97 $17
Grab your copy of the ArbiCash System now!

60 Day Risk-Free 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not satisfied with this package, just let us know within 30 days of your order and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase. After 60 days, all sales are final.
Thanks for checking out the ArbiCash System. We know you're going to love it. If you haven't yet, please click the order button and claim your copy now.
You'll be directed to a secure payment page. After ordering, you'll get instant access to download the entire course to your computer.
As you may have noticed, we're making this 100% risk free for you by including a 60 day money back guarantee. We're willing to do that because we know you're going to be very happy with the quality of the materials when you see them. This is a product that we are proud to put our names on.
We hope to see you on the "inside" and look forward to answering your questions on the bonus Q&A webinar.
If you need assistance, please open a ticket at www.ericsupport.com
To your success,
P.S. -
We know you've seen native ads before. Whether you realized it or not, you've seen them in many different places all around the internet. Maybe you've clicked on some of those ads. But have you stopped to think about the MILLIONS of dollars that are being made from those ads each day?
Native ads are one of the fastest growing areas of the advertising industry. NOW is the time to jump into the game and get your piece of the pie.
The top arbitrage marketers are making tens of thousands of dollars a day. The potential is there for anyone. But what if you only made a fraction of that? It would still be life changing income!
Take action now before it's too late!

P.P.S. -
If you try finding this information elsewhere, you'll likely pay between $1000 and $3000 to learn this system.
This is your opportunity to get in on this insider method WITHOUT having to pay the usual price of admission.
Please click the order button now, and you'll be on your way!

The ArbiCash System was selected as Product of the Day by JVZOO, one of the top affiliate program providers in the world. They obviously believe in the ArbiCash System and you can be confident that you are investing in a very high quality product.
Take Action Now!
Only $97 $17
Grab your copy of the ArbiCash System now, and stat putting this system to work for you.
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